Communication efforts at Seed stage

I've made several communications with the Liberal and Labour factions these past six months. Here's a copy of the latest letter sent to the Minister for Communication.
Dear Mr Turnbull.
There is an aire of rife discontent in the tech startup scene which is sickening. Woe betide the hackers who devise a trillion dollar company from nothing with nothing to show for it in the non-physical world online. Having intellectual property means a reserve of the pie in this day and age and like sea gulls over scraps the industry is massively unhealthy and the scene for any entrepreneur barely with human rights standards.
Without validation or even authentication procedures the mild mannered democratic process is severely off set and informally jettison for a new socialist reality where Chinese market loyalty is the be all and end all. Personally my three year running startup hasn't recieved one word of encouragment from the Australian sector and don't be misled, Horoscorpio is the very definitive lead innovation seed company in IT. When I do, What I do, Where I do it and Why is apparently of more interest to nobody than my Seed is to the corporate sector despite the Trillion dollars it can no doubt introduce to Commercial Industry. I'll stop short of suggesting any ill-intents, but foreigners could surely be excused in suggesting my unheard barrage of pitches has gone astray in deliberate fashioning of the status quo by a weary vanguard.


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