Health tech Pitch late 2014

This is the bulk of a application forwarded to a competition today, here for viewing:

Horoscorpio is a adaptive facility in parallel to social media. It provides a opportunity to liase with the public, by connecting those individuals with concurrent circumstance. Availing new innovative technology in real-time orientation to Aspects, the traditions of astrology where people are identified by their star signs, receives a radical make-over for the mental health industry. Using smart phone apps, computer websites, wristwatch devices, and wall mounted units, the Horological faculty is open for services with groups, and foundational data sharing. Working from the basis of emotional reasoning and intelligence, the fundamental utility avails individuals of real-time emotional conditions.

What is the idea? What is the insight? Who is the target audience? How does it work? What is the vision of success and measurement?

The main idea which setup this proposed entity was Christ Nature, or the retro-definition of a pan-ultimate nature of existence. The philosophical pretexts are commonplace, but the fundamental practices have been harboured by the Catholic Church and continue to forge burgeoning advancement in the social strata. A Christ nature ethos is idealised and planned out as a not-for-profit offset association of Horoscorpio, after significant enough information has been garnered in the data infra-structure. As a discipline, individuals may concentrate and focus their intentions on a template of emotional experience, garnered through social media, and direct application of user experience. The public using social media will have alignment correlations, for planets, as well as the regular solar variety by star signs. The advanced facilitation as a directory structure, useful for reference purposes, has ample association in public infrastructure with astrology, but not serious accreditation. The online faculty, will give means to identity and act upon proven qualitative measure for securing emotional and intellectual identity, key in importance to forming self-esteem and community identity. The successful user will hold Christ nature in esteem, and their own contribution as reciprocal of Christendom.

The processes are at large protected for patent, but the general applications can be described as differentiated in availability by real-time cycle formulations , unlike astrology which applies set periodic charts for interpretation within the meta-scale. The application of real-time planetology, as needed for a data-service, works similarly with dictionaries or encyclopaedia, relative to emotions and rated by location, or other demographical segmentation. The keyword amalgamation offers individuals the opportunity to contribute to the collect pool of shared emotional intelligence, whilst forming a unique appreciation for the fundamental procedure in a discipline. The collective associations are reviewable in relativity to free user memberships, and their rank which is given apparent to the offering of each participant. The socialist scheme has variable application and sales ready services for legal, medical, government or community based organisation.

The typical use would entail a micro-purchase for those wanting to compare their own experience to that of the groups, or other participants. Such group interactions that are available to the users are dependant on their association offering, and hence rank, so the system is sustaining a propagation of dynamic participation, and sharing profile links, for divulgences. More originally the Horoscorpio facility will generate marketing reports and intelligence surveys, all appropriated within Privacy conditions, approved by users. The associations can be used to forge social media meeting, and typically further benefits will be outlined in advanced application such as media content association, and event organisation. Each and all applied variety of content online which is maintained with temporal organisation, can be associated to the user interface, and various sales ready options such as advertising in co-merited solution.

The further contributions Horoscorpio will make, are regarding Artificial Intelligence, and the company can expect to offer a real-time module for AI units capable of conversing, and maintaining believable interaction with humans. The foundational offerings however are devices for measuring the real-time alignments and a facility for offering information relative to them, and participating in groups with those of similar likening. The off-site interactions will avoid any major legal associations, but the foundations for a complex corporation are obvious in tandem to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Ancestry or Weibo. The general consignment of Users will not be gathered into a wall, rather only catalogued for analytical purposes, and users may even upload entire texts for the systematic evaluation of emotive reasoning and articulated emphasise of Christ Nature.


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